Things have been going pretty smoothly and the little one hasn't caused too much trouble so far. Aside from a little bit of exhaustion in the first trimester, I haven't been sick at all and have been feeling great! There is a part of me that feels a tad guilty about that considering I know many other pregnant ladies who aren't so lucky, but I thank good genetics for that blessing! I spent the first three months wanting to eat only pizza and Italian food, and thankfully that has since past. Actually, I might have overdone it because now that stuff just isn't appetizing (and we have a freezer full of it!). The change in my appetite is that my usual love for Mexican food has turned into a complete aversion and I can't even stand the sight of a taco. Thankfully that seems to be passing, too, but the it's coming back very slowly. Even though I don't want it, I miss my Mexican food... it doesn't make any sense at all! I've also definitely noticed that my equilibrium has shifted and I trip and fall much more easily than before, which is sad considering that I was already a klutz to start with! Oh the joys of being pregnant!
As for the gender, we still have a few weeks to wait. Josh and I went from "maybe we'll wait until we have the baby to find out" to "maybe we'll find out and just not tell anyone" and now we're in the "tell us NOW!!!!" stage. We both still feel like our little peanut might be a boy, but we'll be excited either way. I think finding out will make it a little more real for us and will help us envision being a family. This baby is already loved more than either one of us could ever imagine and we look forward to the day that we can hold our little peanut in our arms... what a joyous occasion that will be!
In the meantime, we are enjoying the little milestones... hearing the heartbeat for the first time, picking out crib bedding, and watching the belly get bigger and bigger. Someone told me today that I "look big for 17 weeks" and although I don't have much to compare it to, I agree. Although I am proud to still be wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans (well, barely!), I think I am just keeping the baby happy. And thankfully, my sister saw this picture (she's 8 weeks ahead of me) and disagreed... thank you, big sister! Now we are just looking forward to the day that I feel a little tiny kick and that should be happening any time now! I look at my belly at least once a day and say "okay little one, kick mama," but so far I haven't felt anything. It's the only time in this child's life that kicking mama is actually encouraged and he or she is just not listening! We think we might have a stubborn one on our hands and we wouldn't expect anything less with us as parents! We are already head over heels in love with this little one!
Okay, I thought the bathroom reveal was exciting, but this takes the cake! You look FABULOUS! Love you so much.
ReplyDeleteI will tell you a little hint about "kicks." At the beginning, it won't feel like a kick at all. For a long time Maddie felt like bubbles going across my tummy...then she felt like a tadpole twitching its tail! Just you wait, those kicks will be knocking the breath out of you soon!
ReplyDeleteYou look beautiful...and to still be in your pre-preg jeans almost halfway through is awesome!
Girl, you look fine. I don't think you look big at all...right on the money if you ask me. I'm 22 weeks and already gained nearly 20 pounds because of crazy hunger in the 1st trimester. You look worries.
ReplyDeleteAs for kicks-- I really didn't notice them until we went for an ultrasound at 18 weeks and I drank half a mountain dew like they told me to. Boy did I feel kicks after that! If you're not terrified of caffeine give it a shot :)