Well I'm certainly glad my New Year's resolution was not to blog more, because I would be failing miserably in 2010! The truth is, we both just turned everything off while we were away on vacation (which was wonderful!) and when we got back, it was go-go-go non-stop! So tonight I'm finally finding a moment to catch everyone up on the happenings here in Mauneyland.
For starters, we had an awesome vacation visiting family in Florida! It was a bit chillier than normal, so our usual pool time was replaced with video games, naps (yay!), and some grueling matches of gin. Let me just say that 2010 seems to be shaping up as the year the girls are going to rule, but we'll see!

And as a BIG surprise, I finally got my fancy digital SLR camera that I've been lusting after (THANKS Mom and Dad and Pop-Pop and Lorraine!!!)! Based on the photo below, I will clearly need lessons, but I already have those in the works starting this weekend! Josh and I both love using it, so we're hoping we'll be pros by the time Baby Jake makes his big arrival.

There was also quite a bit of Tennessee and Alabama stuff floating around and Baby Jake has begun to stock up on some orange! He also was given the sweetest gift by his cousins... a stuffed animal that I actually gave them when they were babies. He's just like my favorite pal when I grew up (thanks to my Aunt Karen) and they thought that Jake would like to have him next. Tear! :)

As for the prego-update, we're a little behind on that as well! At this point, we're 30 weeks along (wow... already??) and everything still looks great and on-schedule. We're back at the March 22nd due date, so we're basically just expecting him any time in March! Just recently he decided to sit on top of my sciatic nerve, so I've been in quite a bit of pain these past few days and hoping for some relief soon. If anyone has any advice or remedies for that, please feel free to share!
And since I'm overdue for some prego photos, here are a few we took over Christmas:

Other than that, we're back in the swing of things up north. Our church actually just entered into 21 days of prayer and fasting and part of my fast is to only use the Internet for personal use AFTER work hours. I think that somewhat explains my blogging hiatus, so it may just continue for a couple more weeks. Our time of prayer and fasting actually deserves its own post, so I'll go into that another time... probably when it's over! And yes, I need to update my background, too. I guess I'm just not quite ready for the holidays to be over!
So that's it from here... not too much to report. I hope the start of 2010 is going wonderfully for everyone with many more blessings to come!
what kind of camera did you get? I'm coveting after one myself! haha
ReplyDeleteYou look beautiful! I had sciatica with both babies (Landon was a little worse). Lots of stretching, massage (not professional - they won't ever do it strong enough!), heating pad, and Tylenol seemed to help the best. Praying for your comfort :)
ReplyDeleteAmber, I got a Nikon D3000... I love it! A friend of mine recommended either a Nikon or a Canon.
ReplyDeleteKristen, thanks for the prayers. Now I'm almost wishing it was sciatica! Ha! Oh well, we've known since day one that this kid is a stinker. I'm just glad we found out what's going on, even if it wasn't awesome news.