Monday, March 18, 2013

An Unwelcome Visitor

If you've wondered what we've been up to these last couple of weeks, wonder no more. The stomach flu hit this family hard... and stayed well past its welcome! Starting two Thursdays ago (March 7th) with this little bug getting sick:

Followed by this one getting sick two days later:

Which resulted in a whole lot of doing this:

 I cannot tell you how many episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse we have watched in the past two weeks, how much laundry was done, how many baths were given, or how few nights of sleep we got. Every time we thought we had it licked it would rear its ugly head, all the way up to yesterday morning when Lilly woke up sick (again!). Ugh. I think it was just her system readjusting to normalcy though since she hasn't acted remotely sick since last Thursday (a week after it started) and neither one of them have had a fever since last Tuesday. Fingers crossed, but I think we're finally in the clear.

No matter how much I hate seeing my babies sick, I think every parent would agree that the extra cuddles, especially from a non-cuddly kid are always a welcome surprise.

So I'm sorry if I haven't returned phone calls or emailed, but I was up to my elbows in bodily fluids... nice, huh? Thankfully we were all clear to celebrate this guy's birthday this past weekend and saw lots of smiles again.

The flu is one guest that we do not want to welcome back any time in the near future. If you've experienced it this season, then my heart goes out to you... it's a brutal virus this year and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Please say a prayer for my sisters and their families as it seems to be taking them out one by one, hopefully not from being around us! Now if this crazy weather would just finally turn warm rather than changing from warm to cold daily, maybe this thing would go away for good! Here's to hoping!

Hope you had a great weekend!  Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Jakey looks as pathetic as my Adam right now. :( Sweet Sam seems to have cleared it (within 24 hours) and I'm hoping that Adam feels better very very very soon. I can deal with the bodily functions (well, up to a point) but it's seeing my boy so miserable that's worse!!
